Joanna Maclennan
Living Wild : Une nouvelle vie en pleine nature
Joanna Maclennan, Oliver Maclennan
- E/P/A
- Nature & Aventure
- 6 Mars 2024
- 9782376716631
Qui n'a jamais rêvé d'échapper au rythme e réné de la ville ? De se débarrasser des chaînes de la vie urbaine pour se réinventer, créer une nouvelle entreprise et vivre plus près de la nature ? Living Wild nous emmène à la rencontre de ceux qui ont franchi le pas et nous racontent ce qui les a inspirés. Des esprits créatifs et audacieux pour qui partir relevait à la fois d'une quête intime - avoir plus de temps pour leurs proches, être en phase avec leurs valeurs - et d'un désir d'être, par leur travail, acteurs du changement.
Esprit récup' : idées de déco insolites
Oliver Maclennan, Joanna Maclennan
- Jonglez
- 17 Octobre 2019
- 9782361953607
La récupération et le recyclage constituent un véritable mode de vie pour les amoureux de la nature soucieux de l'environnement autant que pour les amateurs d'économies. Décorant leur intérieur de manière aussi originale que spectaculaire à l'aide de leurs trouvailles, glanées sur les plages ou encore dans les forêts, ils révèlent toute la beauté des motifs naturels : Esprit récup' - Idées de déco insolites regorge d'idées permettant de transformer sa demeure de manière à la fois inventive et surprenante.
Living wild : new beginnings in the great outdoors
Joanna Maclennan, Oliver Maclennan
- Thames & Hudson
- 22 Mars 2023
- 9780500023501
Explores the lifestyles of families and individuals around the world who have escaped the daily grind to create a new life in harmony with nature.
More of us than ever are re-evaluating how and where we live, eschewing disposable culture for a simpler life. Living Wild tells the stories of people around the world who have made the leap into the unknown, offering an intimate glimpse into what it means to live closer to nature. This will be inspirational reading for anyone who aspires to reset the batteries and live more sustainably.
The impact of climate change and the pressures of city life - not to mention the life-changing events of the last two years - have left many of us dreaming of a simpler existence that benefits the environment and resets the mind. The lifting of restrictions, including travel, has meant that more of us than ever are re-evaluating how and where we live, eschewing disposable culture in favour of a more meaningful and sustainable way of life. From a family who relocated to the remote Australian bush to a young couple who live and work on a narrowboat on the Worcester and Birmingham Canal in the UK, Living Wild tells the stories of people around the world who have made the leap into the unknown, exploring what inspired them and how the move has impacted upon their families and livelihoods. From tackling the daily challenges of living off-grid to minimizing waste and growing your own food, this book will be inspirational reading for anyone who aspires to live more sustainably. -
Anyone can create a beautiful home by foraging, and salvaging what they find. Whether a box of rusty nails or a disused armchair missing a leg, discarded objects can be restored, recycled or repurposed to fill the home with personal style. Artful interiors are born from curiosity, creativity and imagination, yet many of us fail to see a potential curtain rail in a bamboo stick or a hidden kitchen worktop in an old carpenter's bench - let alone knowing where to find such objects.In an era when self-sufficiency, living off grid and saving our planet have never been more important or appealing, The Foraged Home will provide guidance and inspiration for all those looking to go beyond the world of mass-produced flat-packs.