Julie Boudreau
Mon encyclopetit du jardinier paresseux
Julie Boudreau, Larry Hodgson
- Petits Génies
- Mon Encyclopetit
- 28 Mars 2023
- 9781773883137
Une encyclopédie de 48 pages pour les tout-petits, dans laquelle ils apprendront un tas d'informations sur le jardinage! Les plantes, les fleurs et le plaisir du travail de la terre n'auront plus de secret pour eux! En collaboration avec Larry Hodgson, le maître du jardinage!
Les mondes urbains de la jeunesse
Julie-Anne Boudreau
- Presses De L'Universite De Laval
- 11 Janvier 2022
- 9782763756042
Cet ouvrage se veut une contribution empirique à l'études des cultures urbaines de la jeunesse, mobilisant plusieurs voix montréalaises. Il s'agit d'un regard sur la transition entre deux décennies, sur le passage aux années 2020.
Both theoretically informed and empirically rich, Youth Urban Worlds explores how urban cultures affect political action amongst youth. Argues that urban cultures challenge the very meaning and contours of the political process Includes ethnographies, delving into the perspectives and knowledges of racialized youth, urban farmers, and "voluntary risk takers," like dumpster divers, building climbers, and student protestors Theorizes that aesthetics are an increasingly crucial form of political action in the contemporary urban setting and explains the impact of aesthetics on the political Examines the centrality of fun, warmth, aesthetics, and embodiment to these youth's experience of being in the world Explains how youth are able to practically and concretely impact the political process through the performance of risky and disruptive behavior
Governing Cities Through Regions
Roger Keil, Pierre Hamel, Julie-Anne Boudreau, Stefan Kipfer
- Wilfrid Laurier University Press
- 12 Décembre 2016
- 9781771122627
The region is back in town. Galloping urbanization has pushed beyond historical notions of metropolitanism. City-regions have experienced, in Edward Soja's terms, "an epochal shift in the nature of the city and the urbanization process, marking the beginning of the end of the modern metropolis as we knew it."
Governing Cities Through Regions broadens and deepens our understanding of metropolitan governance through an innovative comparative project that engages with Anglo-American, French, and German literatures on the subject of regional governance. It expands the comparative angle from issues of economic competiveness and social cohesion to topical and relevant fields such as housing and transportation, and it expands comparative work on municipal governance to the regional scale.
With contributions from established and emerging international scholars of urban and regional governance, the volume covers conceptual topics and case studies that contrast the experience of a range of Canadian metropolitan regions with a strong selection of European regions. It starts from assumptions of limited conversion among regions across the Atlantic but is keenly aware of the remarkable differences in urban regions' path dependencies in which the larger processes of globalization and neo-liberalization are situated and materialized. -
In what ways has global urbanization affected the political process? This book offers a reflection on the transformations of urban politics worldwide in the past four decades, from interpersonal street-level politics to transnational governing institutions.
Organized thematically, the book examines urban social movements, diversity politics, environmental politics and security politics at a global level and argues that living in an urban world calls for a profound rethinking of how we act politically. Through ethnographic incursions into the worlds of youth activists, domestic workers, rioters, barrio bandits and peripheral villagers, among others, from Mexico City and Hanoi to Montreal and New York, the book makes a number of theoretical propositions to redefine the field of urban political studies.
Extending the view of urban politics beyond municipal and metropolitan institutions to the broader political process in cities, this book will be invaluable to advanced students and scholars interested in our urban future. For, as Boudreau convincingly suggests, global urban life is political life.