Aleksandar Hemon
Un monde de ciel et de terre
Aleksandar Hemon
- Le Livre de Poche
- Litterature
- 4 Septembre 2024
- 9782253251392
28 juin 1914. Tandis que l'archiduc François-Ferdinand arrive à Sarajevo en grande pompe, Rafael Pinto, Juif séfarade et apothicaire, concocte des remèdes aux herbes dans sa boutique. Pinto est loin d'imaginer qu'un conflit d'une vaste ampleur est sur le point d'embraser le monde. Envoyé dans les tranchées en Ukraine, il rejoint un bataillon bosniaque et rencontre Osman, homme d'action et conteur d'histoires. Ensemble, ils s'embarquent pour une odyssée vers l'Est, des geôles de Tachkent au désert du Taklamakan, de Shanghai bombardée à Jérusalem, et vivent un amour qui transcende les bouleversements de la première moitié du XXe siècle.
Foisonnant, échevelé, chaotique et passionné. Florence Noiville, Le Monde des livres.
Un grand roman américain. Son auteur a le souffle épique des pionniers, l'âme du migrant, la plume extralucide d'un London ou d'un Steinbeck. Philippe Chevilley, Les Échos.
Traduit de l'anglais (États-Unis) par Michèle Albaret-Maatsch. -
Hemon''s historical novel is every bit as ambitious as its title suggests... A true epic, charged with heartbreak and beauty.>
On 2 March 1908, Lazarus, a young Russian Jewish immigrant to Chicago, tried to deliver a letter to the city's Chief of Police. He was shot dead. After the shooting, it was claimed he was an anarchist assassin and an agent of foreign operatives who wanted to bring the US to its knees.
Aleksandar Hemon grew up in a blissful Sarajevo, where his childhood was consumed by football, his adolescence by friends, movies and girls and where, as a young man, he poked at the pretensions of his beloved city with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then at twenty-seven Hemon flew to Chicago for a month-long visit. A matter of weeks later Sarajevo was engulfed in an atrocious war and Hemon found himself an exile he wouldnt return home for five years, and when he did, he found his city irrevocably changed.
The explosive perils of adolescence, a country falling apart, the overwhelming vertigo of striking out abroad: this is life in which love is only one of many obstacles. From Sarajevo to the darkest heart of Africa, deepest Slovenia, and the melting pot of Chicago, this collection is shot through with humour and truth.